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The most severe injuries after an accident are often the ones that cannot be seen. Internal bleeding, broken ribs, collapsed lungs, and other internal injuries can be fatal without immediate medical treatment, and even non-fatal internal injuries can result in lifelong symptoms that require ongoing care decades after an accident. The costs of treating these injuries can add up quickly, leaving victims overwhelmed.

One of the Best Internal Injury Lawyers in Savannah

If you have suffered internal injuries in an accident you did not cause, the legal team at Spiva Law Group can help you pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve. Our internal injury attorneys have decades of experience representing accident victims throughout Georgia and have recovered more than $200 million on their behalf. Call us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Savannah internal injury lawyer.

What Are the Most Common Kinds of Internal Injuries?

Internal injuries are generally caused by either blunt force trauma or penetrating trauma. Blunt force trauma occurs when something strikes the body with intense speed or force, which can cause serious damage to bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and internal organs.

By contrast, a penetrating injury occurs when an outside object enters the body through a cut, tear, or puncture wound. Penetrating injuries caused by objects that pass all the way through the body are also sometimes known as “perforating injuries.” In nonviolent scenarios, penetrating injuries are often caused by falls, explosions, or collisions. Violent scenarios normally involve stab and gunshot wounds.

No matter the cause, injuries within the body can be very serious and may ultimately entitle you to significant legal compensation when sustained at no fault of your own. Get in touch with one of our internal injury lawyers today.

Some of the most common kinds of internal injuries our attorneys see include the following:

  • Internal bleeding– Blunt trauma or a penetrating injury can cause blood vessels to burst or tear. As the victim loses blood, they could lose consciousness or suffer additional harm to their vital organs. Severe hemorrhaging can cause these organs to start shutting down and result in death if not immediately treated.
  • Injuries to internal organs– Though not exclusively, most internal organ injuries occur due to blunt force trauma, which can bruise or tear tissues within the organ. Internal organ injuries can also cause heavy internal bleeding. Many internal organ injuries are fatal, but even non-fatal injuries can severely compromise organ function and cause widespread damage throughout the body. The lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen are some of the most commonly injured internal organs.
  • Broken ribs– Penetrating injuries can certainly result in broken ribs. However, in most cases, these injuries result from blunt force sustained in things like car crashes, falls from ladders, or sporting accidents. Broken ribs are extremely painful and can cause additional harm by puncturing internal organs or blood vessels.
  • Punctured lung– When the ribs break in an accident, the shards of bone can penetrate the lungs and cause them to collapse. A collapsed lung cannot inflate properly, causing the chest cavity to fill with air. Without immediate medical treatment, these injuries are often fatal.
  • Abdominal aorta aneurysm– Blunt force trauma to the stomach can cause it to compress, damaging the abdominal aorta. This artery is one of the most important blood vessels in the body, and an abdominal aorta aneurysm is usually fatal if not treated as soon as possible.

What Kinds of Accidents Lead to Internal Injury?

The variety of accidents that can cause internal injury is limitless. No matter the circumstances, our attorneys are ready to evaluate and handle your case from start to finish. However, auto accidents are among the leading cause of nonviolent internal injury.

Common internal injury types from accidents we regularly handle include:

  • Car accidents– The extreme force unleashed in an auto accident, including from deployed airbags, can lead to serious injuries caused by blunt force trauma. Accident victims might also sustain internal injuries when shards of glass, broken car parts, or pointed objects being transported in the vehicle penetrate their bodies.
  • Truck accidents– Internal injuries caused by blunt force trauma are particularly common in these crashes because semi-trucks weigh as much as 20 times more than the average passenger vehicle. More mass translates to more force in the event of an accident, which in turn means more severe injuries.
  • Motorcycle accidents– Unlike other motor vehicle occupants, motorcyclists have almost no protection from the full force of a crash. Consequently, they are at an increased risk of suffering internal injuries when one occurs, especially when the impact throws them off their motorcycles.
  • Bicycle accidents– Like motorcyclists, bicyclists also have very little protection when involved in an accident. And unlike motorcyclists, bicyclists do not have the benefit of a high-torque engine to help them avoid a vehicle about to crash.
  • Pedestrian accidents– Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users. Unlike motorcyclists and bicyclists, who are highly encouraged to wear protective helmets when riding, pedestrians usually have minimal protection when struck by a vehicle.

How Do I Know If I Have an Internal Injury?

By their nature, internal injuries are not detectable through direct visual observation. Instead, you may need to rely on a mix of indirect signals from your body.

Internal injuries may present a wide variety of symptoms and side effects, including things like:

  • Severe headaches
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Losing consciousness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Pale or purple complexion
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Neck pain
  • Numbness or weakness
  • Low blood pressure

What Compensation Can I Recover for My Internal Injuries?

If you were hurt in an accident at little to no fault of your own, you can seek legal compensation for both the economic and non-economic impact your injuries have on your life.

Depending on how severe your injuries are, you could be compensated for internal injuries like:

  • Medical and rehabilitation expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lowered earning capacity
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Damaged personal property

Is There a Time Limit for Filing an Internal Injury Lawsuit?

Under Georgia law, you normally have two years from the date of an injury to file a lawsuit seeking compensation from the at-fault party. Though this deadline comes with a few narrow exceptions, missing it nearly always destroys your right to pursue compensation in civil court. In turn, the inability to sue will give the at-fault party the upper hand when negotiating an out-of-court settlement. Contact one of our internal injury attorneys today.

Contact a Savannah Personal Injury Lawyer

Internal injuries can result in lifelong complications and cost tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. If you suffered internal injuries in an accident you did not cause, our Savannah personal injury lawyers can help you pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve. Contact Spiva Law Group today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced internal injury lawyer near you.