By The Numbers: Dangerous Toys


Injuries There were 265,000 toy-related injuries and 11 deaths in 2012. Riding toys and asphyxiation (often from choking on balloons or small parts) were the leading causes of death, while non-motorized scooters caused the most injuries.

Source: Toy-Related Deaths and Injuries 2012, CPSC

9.8 Million

Toys More than 9.8 million dangerous toys were seized at ports throughout the United States during the past five years. So far in 2013, there have been recalls on 31 toys compared to 93 in 2007.

Source: Global System of Toy Safety Works, CPSC and U.S. Customs


Swallowed Between 2009 and 2011, the CPSC reported that kids and infants swallowed an estimated 1,700 magnets, which can cause life-threatening damage to the stomach and intestines. Consumer Reports called for a ban on super-strong magnets.

Source: Safety First When Buying Toys, Consumer Reports