Don Gardener was 31 years old. Today he was as excited as a young kid. He just landed his dream job, one he had worked hard for many years to prepare for. In 1982, he finished his studies at Ohio Univ...
By Katheryn Hayes Tucker Fulton Daily Report Howard Spiva: Biggest Verdict In Town Although Savannah has its share of successful plaintiff’s lawyers, just one can lay claim to winning the bigges...
The 10 Most Dangerous Toys of All Time
July 23, 2014
Submitted by AAJ Research The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalls millions of toys every year but is stretched too thin to guard against all dangers. In the face of such risks, parents h...
By The Numbers: Dangerous Toys
July 23, 2014
265,000 Injuries There were 265,000 toy-related injuries and 11 deaths in 2012. Riding toys and asphyxiation (often from choking on balloons or small parts) were the leading causes of death, while non...
Toy Safety Tips for the Holidays
July 23, 2014
Toy Safety Tips for the Holidays Steven L. Miller, Editor Zack Hendon Attorney Toys should surprise, delight and educate children, not hurt them. But despite great strides made in recent years by gove...
Howard Spiva at South Carolina Association of Justice
July 23, 2014
Attorney Howard Spiva spoke at the South Carolina Association for Justice. Trial lawyers from across the South attend the Auto Torts seminar each December in Atlanta....
Shanta Greene vs City of Savannah
July 23, 2014
In the News Around Savannah: Savannah Daily News / Savannah Business Journal… WTOC 11
Sitting Kills, Moving Heals
July 23, 2014
June 23, 2013 By Dr. Mercola If you’re like most people, myself included, you probably spend a large portion of each day in a seated position. It’s hard to avoid these days, as computer work predo...
Our Firm Helps People With: Mesh Cases
July 23, 2014
A New Jersey jury made a big statement to healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson, returning a verdict for $3.35 million in compensatory and $7.8 million in punitive damages for plaintiff Linda Gross w...
Sadly, working men and women were exposed to deadly asbestos-containing products in industrial and construction sites throughout the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s. Service men and shipyard workers working...