What to Do After a Car Accident in Savannah

Being involved in a car accident in Savannah is a stressful experience. It can be difficult to know what to do in the immediate aftermath of the crash and in the days, weeks, and months that follow.

Below, the Savannah car accident lawyers of the Spiva Law Group discuss some helpful tips on what to do after a crash, as well as common errors to avoid. To learn more and get specific answers to your individual questions, contact us for an initial free case consultation.

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What You Should Do at A Savannah Car Accident Scene

Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself while you are still at the scene of a car crash:

  • Stop, pull over to safety, and turn on your hazard lights. If you can, pull your vehicle off to the side of the road and turn on your hazard lights. By removing your vehicle from the flow of traffic, you can help prevent additional accidents. In addition, Georgia law requires you to stop, render assistance, and provide your information after any accident involving injury, death, or significant property damage.
  • Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. If you are seriously injured, call 911 to request emergency assistance or ask someone else to do so for you. If you can still move, check any passengers in your car for injuries and look over the occupants of other vehicles involved in the crash. If anyone is injured, call emergency services or ask a bystander to do it for you.
  • Call 911 to report the accident to the police. If you haven’t already done so at this point, dial 911 to report the accident to your local police. Police officers can help secure the accident scene, render aid, direct emergency services personnel, and create official crash reports. Be sure to request a copy of the police report.
  • Gather as much information and evidence as possible. Talk to the other driver and request their contact and insurance details. Take photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and visible injuries. Approach any available eyewitnesses and ask them for statements and contact information if you need to follow up with them later.

What You Should Do in the Days, Weeks, and Months After the Crash

After you leave the scene of the auto accident, the actions you take in the days, weeks, and months afterward may have a significant impact on your right to claim compensation. You can protect your rights and establish a strong foundation for your claim by taking these steps:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you did not already receive emergency care, seek medical attention as soon as possible. A healthcare professional can perform a full exam to diagnose any injuries you may have, provide the medical treatment you need, and establish a record of your condition. Be sure to adhere to your doctor’s care plan and attend all follow-up appointments to demonstrate you’re taking your health seriously.
  • Report the accident to your insurance company. Most auto insurance policies require you to notify the insurance company within a specific time after an accident. If you fail to do so, it could jeopardize your ability to claim the compensation you deserve for your losses.
  • Hang on to all accident-related documentation. Keep track of all accident-related documents, including medical records, medical expenses, vehicle repair estimates, and receipts from incidental expenses. If you are forced to miss any time at work while you recover from your injuries, you’ll also want to collect pay stubs or other proof of any reductions in your pay.
  • Contact a knowledgeable car accident lawyer. The sooner you contact a trusted attorney after a car accident, the better. An experienced lawyer can prepare you. Please note that the state of Georgia has a set time limit during which you may submit a personal injury lawsuit claim. That time period is known as the Statute of Limitations. By this statute, you have two years from the time of the accident to bring your personal injury claim lawsuit forward. Should you allow this time to pass and not submit your claim, you will have forfeited your chances of recovery via a car accident lawsuit. To fully prepare for your lawsuit, your personal injury attorney will need time to collect evidence, interview witnesses,  investigate the accident, research police reports, and more. So, time is critical. Do not delay!

Injured victim with neck brace consulting lawyer.

Mistakes to Avoid After a Savannah Car Crash

Common missteps could jeopardize your rights and your injury claim after a Savannah car wreck.

  • Do not apologize or admit fault for the accident. Many of us learn that it’s polite to say we’re sorry when we see someone else suffer and take responsibility if we think we’re at fault. However, even an innocent “Sorry, I didn’t see you!” could be misconstrued as an admission of guilt and used against you later on.
  • Do not agree to provide a written or recorded statement. The insurance company may ask you to make a statement about the accident on the record to lock you into a particular story. Don’t fall for this tactic. If insurance adjusters discover your account contains a mistake or factual inconsistency, they can use it against you by claiming you have not been straightforward.
  • Do not share information about the crash on social media. No matter what your online privacy settings look like, your social media account is probably less private than you think. Any message you share any photos you post could potentially be taken out of context and used against you in an accident claim, even if they seem innocent.
  • Do not accept the first settlement offer you receive. Most initial settlement offers are lowball figures the insurance company hopes you will accept out of desperation. Instead, it’s best to work with an experienced accident lawyer who can calculate a reasonable estimate for your case and negotiate aggressively to maximize the value of your settlement.

Get Help from an Experienced Savannah Car Accident Lawyer

After a Savannah car wreck, the dedicated personal injury lawyers at Spiva Law Group can help you understand your legal options, support you through every stage of your claim, and negotiate forcefully to maximize your compensation. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case with an attentive lawyer in a free initial case review. Savannah car accident lawyer.