Children’s Injuries Are No Accident! The Mission
August 13, 2015

America’s Great Heads In Helmets Program ~ Preventing Children’s Brain Injuries As an attorney since 1984, I focus my law practice on traumatic injuries. We are on a QUEST to eliminate tra...
The 10 Most Dangerous Toys of All Time
July 23, 2014
Submitted by AAJ Research The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalls millions of toys every year but is stretched too thin to guard against all dangers. In the face of such risks, parents h...
By The Numbers: Dangerous Toys
July 23, 2014
265,000 Injuries There were 265,000 toy-related injuries and 11 deaths in 2012. Riding toys and asphyxiation (often from choking on balloons or small parts) were the leading causes of death, while non...
Toy Safety Tips for the Holidays
July 23, 2014
Toy Safety Tips for the Holidays Steven L. Miller, Editor Zack Hendon Attorney Toys should surprise, delight and educate children, not hurt them. But despite great strides made in recent years by gove...
Buckle Up: The Kids Lawyer
July 23, 2014
Buckle Up September 27th, 2013 | Story by: South Magazine Story by Margaret Harney The Georgia Click it or Ticket law is all about the shoulder and lap straps, but if Howard Spiva had his way, the law...