What Causes Jackknife Truck Accidents?

If you’ve suffered injuries because of a truck driver or company’s negligent behavior, you could be entitled to compensation. A successful jackknife truck accident claim could provide you with money for losses like your crash-related medical bills, lost wages, damaged property, and even the pain and suffering you experienced.

While each incident is unique, most jackknife truck accidents are caused by a mistake by the truck’s driver, their employer, or both. Semi-trucks are most likely to jackknife when drivers don’t maneuver them properly or trucking companies choose to cut corners on safety.

For more than 30 years, the Georgia truck accident lawyers of Spiva Law Group have provided top-notch legal representation to people in positions similar to yours. We have secured hundreds of millions of dollars in fair compensation for our clients in that time. We’re ready to begin work on your case. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with a free initial case review.

What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

A jackknife truck accident occurs when a truck’s trailer pivots too far to one side and folds in toward the truck’s cab. It results in a V-shaped wreck that looks like a closing jackknife. Once a truck’s trailer swings around its cab, it is usually impossible for the truck driver to regain control of the vehicle. As a result, many jackknifed trucks end up going down the road. They may hit other vehicles, spill cargo across the roadway, and even overturn.

Many jackknife truck accidents happen when truck drivers attempt to take turns too quickly or brake too suddenly. When the cab of a truck slows down or turns too quickly, the trailer’s momentum carries it along the same path it had been on for a moment longer. The trailer can sometimes outpace the truck’s cab, causing it to veer hard to one side or even swing around and speed past the front of the cab. The risk of jackknifing is even higher if the truck is overloaded or has poorly maintained brakes or tires.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents?

A semi-truck can jackknife any time its cab or trailer slows down or turns too abruptly. This maneuver often causes the rear end of a truck’s trailer to swing erratically to one side and out of the driver’s control. Some common causes of jackknife truck accidents in Georgia include the following:

  • Distracted driving – Truck drivers who are absorbed in text messages, phone calls, or other distractions are far more likely to overlook imminent road hazards or changes in traffic flow. This can cause them to overcorrect suddenly, a common cause of jackknife crashes.
  • Driver impairment – A truck driver who is impaired by alcohol, drugs, or even extreme fatigue can suffer from cognitive effects like slowed reaction time, inaccurate depth perception, and poor judgment. This increases the likelihood of a sudden loss of control and subsequent jackknife.
  • Reckless driving – When truck operators drive too fast, follow too closely behind others, or engage in other reckless maneuvers, they are more likely to jackknife. They are especially at risk around sharp turns or in bad conditions.
  • Driver inexperience – Truck drivers who are inexperienced with how trucks handle often lose control while turning, slowing down, or driving in poor conditions, making them more likely to jackknife.
  • Cargo loading issues – If a truck’s trailer is overloaded with too much cargo or its cargo is poorly balanced or secured, the truck’s center of gravity can be thrown off and its braking capabilities reduced. These issues can contribute to jackknifing.
  • Mechanical defects – Common mechanical defects such as worn tires, defective brakes, or steering issues can all contribute to a driver’s loss of control and lead to jackknife accidents.
  • Poor road conditions – A jackknife accident is much more likely to happen in bad weather or road conditions, such as flooded or slick road surfaces, large potholes, and missing traffic signs.

What to Do After a Jackknife Truck Accident

If you have been injured in a jackknife truck accident in Georgia, what you do next can significantly affect your ability to get the money you could be owed. You can protect your legal rights and establish a strong foundation for your case by:

  • Seeking prompt medical attention to have your injuries professionally diagnosed, treated, and added to your official medical records
  • Following your doctor’s care plan to help your body heal and demonstrate to any interested parties that you are taking your recovery seriously
  • Gathering evidence from the crash scene, including photos of the wreckage, contact and insurance details from the truck driver, and eyewitness statements
  • Keeping your medical bills, bank records, pay stubs, repair estimates, and any other documentation of crash-related injuries or losses
  • Creating a “pain journal” to record observations about the pain levels and physical limitations you experience in your daily life due to the crash
  • Watching what you say to the truck driver, the insurance company, or any other interested parties after the accident, as anything you say could be used against you
  • Not sharing any personal information or photos online while your jackknife truck accident claim is pending
  • Contacting a jackknife truck accident lawyer in Georgia for help and guidance

What Compensation Is Available for a Jackknife Truck Collision?

Depending on the circumstances, you could be entitled to compensation for the following types of crash-related losses after a jackknife truck collision in Georgia:

  • Hospital bills and other medical expenses you incur due to your injuries
  • Incidental costs, such as mileage expenses for travel to medical appointments
  • Lost wages and benefits from any missed time at work during your recovery
  • The estimated value of losses in your earning capacity, if you sustain a disabling condition
  • Subjective losses, such as the pain and suffering you endure due to the wreck

Contact an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer Today

The best thing you can do to support yourself in the aftermath of a jackknife truck accident is to work with an experienced attorney like the ones you’ll find at Spiva Law Group. Contact us today for a free consultation with a truck accident lawyer in Georgia and find out how we can help.