Please click here to watch video. Please like and share? Howard I’ve learned that preventable, Need less harms and losses and wrongful deaths there needs to be justice for them and I saw that as...
Outraged in America
August 19, 2017
by: Howard Spiva IRS I was watching TV when a editorial came on the station. I found myself becoming outraged as they told about over 800 IRS agents been hired back after they had been fired for fraud...
Protecting Kids from Brain Injuries
July 10, 2017

YouTube More video is available at: charity news The Justice For Children Foundation has been protecting kids from brain injuries for over 15 years. Attorney Howard Spiva co-founded the charity in 199...

Crime in Savannah. One lawyers opinion. 1. Bring back the elite police squad in the yellow shirts and take down the gangs and repeat criminals. They got repeat criminals off the street. The department...
How to Encourage your Kids to Wear Helmets
June 23, 2017

How can parents encourage their kids to wear helmets? We help parents trying to learn information to keep their kids safe. This is one of the reasons why we promote information about helmets for paren...
Landings Residents and Gated Communities Receive Preferential Treatment Over Mobile Home Owners and Other Communities?
March 8, 2017

Fair? March 8, 2017 To: Chatham County Manager’s Office and County Commisisoners Re: Solid Waste Services for Property Damaged by Hurricane at 9902 Ferguson Ave. Landings Residents and Gated Communi...
Crabs in a Basket ~ just don’t let them in your daily life/basket.
December 18, 2016

Crabs in a Basket Growing up on the Georgia coast, I have always loved to catch, cook and eat blue crabs. I recall wondering as a child why you didn’t need a lid or top on a crab basket. I quick...
We believe: Children’s head Injuries are no accident!
September 25, 2016
Justice For Children Foundation, Inc. The Heads in Helmets Program. In today’s world everyone wears helmets. Baseball players Bicyclist Boxers Bull Riders Football players Hockey Players Karate Part...
“Helmets for Life” program where your child receives free helmets for life! Please vote for your favorite video.
September 25, 2016

Comcast is sponsoring The Justice For Children Foundation’s Heads In Helmets Program with Public Service Announcements. Free Bike Helmets: Heads in Helmets Program This is our “Helmets for...

Spiva Lawyer Marketing And Public Relation Tips Hello Friends One idea that we use at our law firm is 100% in line with what all marketing companies suggest, build relationships and keep top of the mi...